We are Philia

Your Empowerment

Direct peer support, wherever you are.

Our Approach

Philia is dedicated to transforming how you interact and achieve your goals. By providing a structured life management system and effective feedback loops, we help individuals and teams overcome challenges and align better. Our approach fosters strong relationships and a sense of belonging, turning every interaction into a step towards personal and collective success. Whether online or in person, Philia supports your journey of growth and connection. Ready to join us?

Get Started

Empowerment at your fingertips

Philia is a social sharing app for increased productivity and improved mental health.

Join the Philia web app and embark on a transformative journey with your Philia Partner – a friend, colleague, or acquaintance. Share your progress with them in weekly sessions, designed for mutual growth, all facilitated by our app.

Dive into this supportive environment today – it’s free to start.

Discover Philia Socials

Experience the power of connection at Philia Socials – vibrant meetups where we learn and empower through listening circles, spanning cities worldwide.

Join a listening circle to feel the Philia effect firsthand or bring Philia to your own town. Together, we’re fostering empathy, authentic connections, as a global community of positive change-makers.

Experience Philia Everywhere

Leadership Seminars

Toolkits for Teams

e-Learning Modules

Learn More


Don’t take it from us. Many are already on their Philia Journey!

Steffi & Paula

Finding out more about and being able to support a friend in a much more intense context than in ‘daily life’ is a wonderful and
enriching experience.

Amandine & Laetitia

Our minds are getting clearer every week on defining our goals and to challenge ourselves. Each lesson is a surprise and an adventure!

Pearl & Kristin

Philia came at the right time into my life when I needed encouragement, guidance and accountability from someone else and why not from my friend.

Michela & Giulia

I love the space and relationship Philia helps you develop with your peer coach. If you honor the process it brings you peace and strength.

Steffi & Paula

Finding out more about and being able to support a friend in a much more intense context than in ‘daily life’ is a wonderful and enriching experience.

Amandine & Laetitia

Our minds are getting clearer every week on defining our goals and to challenge ourselves. Each lesson is a surprise and an adventure!

Pearl & Kristin

Philia came at the right time into my life when I needed encouragement, guidance and accountability from someone else and why not from my friend.

Michela & Giulia

I love the space and relationship Philia helps you develop with your peer coach. If you honour the process it brings you peace and strength.

Our Journey

Philia started with the vision to create a life management system to support personal and professional growth. Early attempts revealed the need for a structured approach, which led to years of refining and development. This journey culminated in the launch of our web app, which now embodies our comprehensive framework. The app is at the heart of Philia, offering practical tools to help you stay organized and achieve your goals. It’s supported by workshops and meetups that spread the “Philia Vibes.” Our vision is to build supportive communities where progress is made possible through both our digital tools and real-world interactions.

Mutual Respect

Lessons of non-judgment where diverse perspectives are celebrated

Shared Values

Commitment to core principles guiding all interactions


Empathetic bonds of emotional support and connection

Trust and Loyalty

Safe spaces for steadfast support allowing for the exploration of new ideas

Emotional Connection

A compassionate environment for emotional growth and resilience

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does Philia work?

    At its heart, Philia is a hub for empowerment nurturing meaningful connections and support networks. It combines daily-accessible sheets, weekly sessions and monthly social events to create an all-round ecosystem that fosters personal development and empowerment.

  • Is Philia Membership free?

    We’re dedicated to making the transformative power of Philia accessible to all. While we’ll introduce premium features as we expand, our core mission remains unchanged: providing a welcoming space where diverse individuals, irrespective of financial backgrounds, can connect and benefit from the empowering spirit of Philia

  • Why does Philia work?

    Philia is more than just communication; it’s a catalyst for positive change rooted in the impact of supportive connections on personal development. By integrating psychologist Albert Bandura’s Self-Efficacy principle, Philia celebrates the power we possess to inspire one another and fosters a sense of collective growth.

  • What is the benefit of having a Philia Partner?

    A Philia Partner is more than a regular friend; they’re a trusted peer engaging in coaching interactions. Together, you uplift and coach each other by sharing insights, pursuing goals, and navigating challenges in a structured format. Their commitment to continuous support fosters a unique bond, amplifying growth.

  • How do I know that I am/we are doing it right?

    You’ll see mutual respect, active listening, and support in your interactions. Strides toward goals and a non-judgmental environment indicate success. In addition, Philia offers guided feedback loops to stay aligned. Stay tuned for our upcoming e-learning program to deepen your mastery of Philia.

  • Who should use the app?

    The answer is simple: YOU. The Philia App is for everyone who values feeling safe and seen and is eager to experience growth and change. Our platform strives to create an inclusive community, providing an opportunity for everyone to partake in the strength of meaningful connections and collective growth. While our mission encompasses everyone, we are especially dedicated to providing unwavering support to women from all walks of life.

  • How is my data used and stored?

    We prioritize your data’s security through robust encryption and industry best practices. Your trust is paramount, and we’re committed to maintaining a secure environment for your Philia journey.


Philia [/ˈfɪliə/] Ancient Greek “friendship, affinity”

Philia is a Greek term that represents a type of love often translated as “friendship” or “brotherly/sisterly love.” It is what we feel for a person we appreciate.